On May 4, 2010, I will perform a solo recital of contemporary compositions for the Composers’ Collective Concert Series. Below is the press release:

Composers’ Collective Series Presents:
Deborah Grimmett, pianist
Piano Lounge, Graham House, Green College, 6201 Cecil Green Park Road, UBC
May 04 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm

Pianist Deborah Grimmett’s performances have been heard in major concert halls throughout Canada, and in Europe, such as the Auditorium Santa Croce and the Centennial Theatre. Her past achievements include personal funded invitations to the Vancouver International Song Institute (VISI) and the Toronto Summer Music Academy and Festival (TSMAF) master class program. She has the prestige of being a prizewinner in the BC piano Competition, and in July 2007, she attended the Casalmaggiore International Music Festival in Italy, where she performed in solo and chamber recitals. Ms. Grimmett enjoys an active performing schedule, both within the university environment, and in the community. Her list of mentors include renowned Canadian pianist Jane Coop, acclaimed American concert phenomenon, Sara Davis Buechner, and Rumanian Marietta Orlov. A born Vancouverite, Ms. Grimmett holds a Bachelor of Music Degree from UBC, and is currently completing her Master of Music in Piano Performance at UofT. For the Composers’ Collective series, she returns home to favour the listeners with a sampling of contemporary piano repertoire,including Fornax Chemica, by Jeffrey Ryan, Preludes by Iman Habibi, Preludes by Jared Miller, Events in Pulse in Resonance by Ryan Trew, Two Worlds by Alfredo Santa Ana, andSonatine by Ravel.